Trial By Error, by David Tuller
My Article on the Cochrane Mess in The Sick Times
In November, 2023, journalists Betsy Ladyzhets and Miles Griffis launched The Sick Times, a publication whose tagline is “chronicling the Long Covid crisis.” Since then, the publication has diligently tracked the political and medical developments of this post-pandemic pandemic and has become a go-to source for intelligent reporting on the situation. I have previously posted…
Professor Edwards’ Letter to BMJ on the Cochrane Mess
The Cochrane mess, which I wrote about the other day, is threatening to take on a life of its own. Perhaps Cochrane thinks the fuss over the big Christmas “fuck you” it delivered to members of the ME/CFS community will blow over quickly. That could happen, I suppose, but I suspect this issue will continue…
Norwegian Long Covid Rehab Trial Misrepresents Clinically Insignificant Findings As “Effective”
If the results for a trial’s primary outcome do not meet the threshold for what is considered a “clinically significant” benefit, it goes without saying—or at least it should–that investigators have no legitimate grounds for promoting their intervention as “effective.” This is especially true when the trial in question is unblinded and the measure involved…
Cochrane’s Decision on Exercise Review is Hurting Patients, Says Longtime Insider
I have written frequently about Cochrane, the organization renowned for its systematic reviews of medical interventions, and its deeply flawed review of exercise therapies for ME/CFS–including its decision last month to abandon its commitment to produce a new version. Now Hilda Bastian, an Australia health consumer advocate and longtime Cochrane insider, has posted a blog…
Interview with Betsy Ladyzhets and Miles Griffis, Founders/Editors of The Sick Times
In November, 2023, journalists Betsy Ladyzhets and Miles Griffis launched The Sick Times, a publication devoted to, per its tagline, “chronicling the Long Covid crisis.” Both of them had been covering the pandemic, and Griffis had written of his own Long Covid experience. The Sick Times has gained both readers and funders over the last…
BMJ Has Corrected the REGAIN Trial Paper–But Not the Editorial or Systematic Review Touting REGAIN’s Findings
Last February, The BMJ published a paper called “Clinical effectiveness of an online supervised group physical and mental health rehabilitation programme for adults with post-covid-19 condition (REGAIN study): multicentre randomised controlled trial,” from McGregor et al. The study purported to have proven that this multi-disciplinary intervention was “clinically effective” in reducing symptoms associated with Long…
Video of October Talk in Ireland on How “Biopsychosocial” Research on ME, Long Covid, and Related Illnesses Harms Patients
In October, I spent 10 days traveling around Ireland and giving a talk called “Bad Science, Bad Medicine: How Flawed Biopsychosocial Studies on ME, Long Covid, etc Harm Patients.” (I wrote about the trip here.) I came as a guest of the Irish ME/CFS Association, which had previously arranged similar tours with two physicians who…
Some Things I’ve Read Recently–Long Covid and Fertility Issues, Psychotherapy Ethics, How to Fake Your Results
It’s been a slow period. Here are a few things I’ve read recently… “The pandemic’s untold fertility story” While Long Covid disproportionately affects women, its impact on their reproductive lives has not received the attention the issue deserves. Recently, Australia’s ABC News addressed the issue with a moving piece called “The pandemic’s untold fertility story,”…
Cochrane Continues Telling ME/CFS Patients to Go F–k Themselves
Update/Correction: Below, I initially wrote that Cochrane was lying in describing the update plan as a “pilot project.” However, it turns out that the organization did describe its plan to engage community partners as a “pilot project.” Here’s the statement from March, 2020: “Cochrane is conducting a pilot project for engaging stakeholders (such as consumers,…
Cochrane Tells ME/CFS Patients to Go F–k Themselves
Cochrane has just given the finger to the international ME/CFS community. After jerking everyone around and promising for five years to conduct a new review of exercise interventions for the illness, the organization abruptly abandoned that commitment this week. On Monday, Cochrane posted the following message on its website: “In 2019, Cochrane published an amended…
Trail By Error: Agencies Respond to Coroner’s Report in Boothby O’Neill Inquest
The British government, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), NHS England, and others have responded to Deborah Archer, the coroner in the case of 27-year-old Maeve Boothby O’Neill, who died in 2021 from complications of ME after three hospitalizations failed to halt her decline. At the same time, the Royal Devon University…
Letter to BMJ Editor Seeking Correction in New Review of Interventions for Long Covid
The BMJ recently published a review of interventions for Long Covid that–surprise!–recommended CBT and a rehabilitation program as treatments. The review is full of holes. I have focused on one in particular. The review relies for its rehabilitation recommendation on an earlier BMJ study–even though that study has itself already been corrected for having misrepresented…