Category: Syndicated

  • Some Things I Read This Week–Scathing “Effort Preference” Analysis; Kids with Long Covid; National Academies’ Long Covid Definition

    An in-depth pushback on “effort preference” When the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s long-delayed “deep phenotyping” study of a handful of ME/CFS patients was released earlier this year, the focus on a weird construct called “effort preference” sucked up all the attention–in part because the paper placed it front and center, in part because no…

  • Athlete Oonagh Cousins on the Lightning Process

    Oonagh Cousins, a world-class rower who once dreamed of representing Great Britain in the Olympics, got sick early in the pandemic and has been suffering from Long Covid ever since. Her story was first covered by the BBC in November, 2020. A BBC article last year covered how her condition had “crushed her Olympic dream.”…

  • Betsy Ladyzhets on Problems with NIH’s RECOVER Initiative

    Science journalist Betsy Ladyzhets, co-founder and co-editor of The Sick Times, has been covering the problemls with RECOVER, the $1.15 billion Long Covid initiative from the US National Institutes of Health. Ladyzhets recently wrote a new article about RECOVER, published in The Sick Times as well as STAT, based on documents she received from NIH…

  • Professor Esther Crawley, Bristol University’s Methodologically and Ethically Challenged Pediatrician, Has Retired From Medicine

    Professor Esther Crawley, Bristol University’s methodologically and ethically challenged pediatrician and long-time grant magnet, gave up her right to practice medicine last September, according to her current entry at the UK’s General Medical Council, which oversees the registration of physicians. The entry does not offer an explanation for why Professor Crawley decided to relinquish her…

  • The Michael Sharpe Crowdfunding Effect

    *This is a crowdfunding month for Trial By Error. Donations (tax-deductible to US tax-payers) go to the University of Calinfornia, Berkeley, to support the project. The link to the crowdfunding campaign is here: In the past, Professor Michael Sharpe, one of the lead PACE investigators, has intervened in my Berkeley crowdfunding and given my efforts…

  • BBC Takes on Lightning Process and Highlights Perspectives of the So-Called “Anti-Recovery Activists”

    For years, I have criticized the research purporting to prove that the Lightning Process, a three-day mind-body workshop that has claimed to be effective in curing ME/CFS and a host of other chronic illnesses. The largest study of the LP, conducted by the methodologically and ethical challenged Esther Crawley, a professor and pediatrician at the…

  • Anil van der Zee’s New Video on Living with Severe ME

    *This is a crowdfunding month for Trial By Error. Donations (tax-deductible to US tax-payers) go to the University of Calinfornia, Berkeley, to support the project. The link to the crowdfunding campaign is here: ********** Anil van der Zee and I first connected in 2016, when he invited me to Amsterdam to give a talk at…

  • Time’s Health100 List Includes Leaders in Long Covid and ME/CFS

    *This is a crowdfunding month for Trial By Error. Donations (tax-deductible to US tax-payers) go to the University of Calinfornia, Berkeley, to support the project. The link to the crowdfunding campaign is here: Last week, Time magazine unveiled a list called the TIME100 Health—a selection of “leaders from across industries—scientists, doctors, advocates, educators, and policy-makers,…

  • A Conversation with the Co-Founders of The Sick Times

    Journalists Betsy Ladyzhets and Miles Griffis are the co-founders of The Sick Times, a non-profit that covers Long Covid and other chronic infection-related illnesses. They launched the site last November and have built up a solid following for their reporting, updates, and weekly newsletter. They recently received a $250,000 grant that will allow them to…

  • Interview with Co-Organizator of Next Week’s Unite To Fight Long Covid Conference

    *This is a crowdfunding month at Berkeley for Trial By Error. If you appreciate my work, here’s a link to donate (tax-deductible to US taxpayers) directly to the university: ********** Marco Wetzel, a digital sales expert, is one of five German Long Covid patients who banded together earlier this year with an ambitious plan…

  • Berkeley’s May Crowdfunding Campaign Begins…

    Berkeley’s latest crowdfunding campaign for Trial By Error begins today. It is hard for me to believe that I have been working on this project—debunking awful research into what was then called “chronic fatigue syndrome,” and related issues–for ten years. My efforts began in the summer of 2014, when I traveled to the UK to…

  • Australian GP Group Recommends “Incremental Physical Activity” for “CFS/ME” Patients

    What’s going on with Aussie members of the graded exercise therapy cult? (Oops!—I meant the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, a trade and professional organization. Sorry!) In 2019, I wrote about the organization’s guidance for “CFS/ME.” This guidance, published in 2015, was part of the group’s Handbook of Non-Drug Interventions (HANDI). This month, HANDI…