Author: David Tuller
Leading FND Site Confirms Criticisms on Prevalence Outlined in Our Letter to Neurology Journal
In two recent posts, here and here, I wrote about our letter on inflated prevalence claims for functional neurological disorder (FND) and about the response from the authors of the study we criticized. The 2021 article in NeuroImage: Clinical, “Neuroimaging in functional neurological disorder: state of the field and research agenda,” asserted that FND was the…
Unconvincing Response to Letter on FND Prevalence Inflation
As I wrote in a post the other day, the journal NeuroImage: Clinical has just published a letter from a group I organized about the misrepresentation of findings regarding the prevalence of functional neurological disorder (FND). They have also published a response from the authors of the article we criticized. The findings in question were…
Finally, Our Letter on Inflated Claims of FND Prevalence Is Published
For more than a year, I have been criticizing experts in the field of functional neurological disorder for misrepresenting the findings of a seminal study, in effect tripling the reported prevalence rate of the condition. These untrue claims about the Scottish Neurological Symptoms Study (SNSS)—specifically, that the prevalence of FND among outpatient neurology clinics was…
Yet Another ME-Related Death
It has been a season of loss. Two weeks ago, I posted an obituary for the much-loved ME patient advocate Beth Mazur, who co-founded #MEAction and suffered with the disease for years. Last October, I posted tributes to Celine Corsius from her parents and brother; Celine died by euthanasia under Dutch law, also after many…
Debate Over Recent Citation of Arguably Fraudulent PACE Trial
Having a discussion about the PACE trial with someone who still maintains it was a well-conducted study is like debating the 2020 election with a Trumper who insists that Biden lost. These two distinct groups exhibit the same remarkable inability or willful refusal to understand and accept reality, whether it involves basic scientific constructs or…
Interview with Dr Rob Wüst about New Study of Muscle Abnormalities in Long Covid
In early January, Nature Communications published a Dutch study called “Muscle abnormalities worsen after post-exertional malaise in long COVID.” The study caused a buzz among patients, clinicians, and other researchers and generated extensive news coverage. Called. (I wrote a blog post about it here.) The investigators identified significant biological differences after an exercise challenge between…
Reporter Betsy Ladyzhets on Last Week’s US Senate Hearing
Last Thursday (January 18th), the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions held a hearing called “Addressing Long COVID: Advancing Research and Improving Patient Care.” The bipartisan panel included senators who are also physicians and as well as Democrat Tim Kaine of Virginia, who has been open about his own struggles with prolonged symptoms…
Obituary for Beth Mazur
By Brian Vastag Beth Anne Mazur, a fierce but unassuming advocate for people with a devastating — and devastatingly neglected — chronic illness, died on Dec. 21, 2023, in the mountains above Santa Fe, N.M. She was 47 years old. Beth leaves behind a wide circle of dear friends; many partners in patient advocacy; a…
Study Finds “Elevated Brain Injury Markers and Reduced Grey Matter Volume” a Year After Hospitalization for COVID-19
A British study of neurological sequelae in patients many months after hospitalization for COVID-19 has found that “post acute cognitive deficits…were associated with elevated brain injury markers in serum and reduced grey matter volume,” according to a pre-print posted earlier this week. (A pre-print is a paper that has not yet been peer-reviewed and published…
Dutch Study Links PEM in Long Covid to Biological Abnormalities
A new study in Nature Communications, called “Muscle abnormalities worsen after post-exertional malaise in long COVID,” caused a stir after it was published last week. The investigators identified significant biological differences after an exercise challenge between long Covid (LC) patients with post-exertional malaise (PEM) and matched healthy controls who had recovered from acute bouts of…
An Interview with Journalist Ed Yong
In the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, journalist Ed Yong played a key role in alerting the public to the wave of people suffering prolonged symptoms after an acute bout of COVID-19—the phenomenon that has come to be called long Covid. Yong, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his coronavirus coverage in The Atlantic,…