Tag: Jonathan Edwards
Professor Edwards’ Letter to BMJ on the Cochrane Mess
The Cochrane mess, which I wrote about the other day, is threatening to take on a life of its own. Perhaps Cochrane thinks the fuss over the big Christmas “fuck you” it delivered to members of the ME/CFS community will blow over quickly. That could happen, I suppose, but I suspect this issue will continue…
More Debate About Treatment of Severe ME/CFS
Last month, Jonathan Edwards, an emeritus professor of medicine at University College London and an advocate for patients with ME/CFS, published a statement on a pre-print server about managing the nutritional needs of patients with severe disease. (I wrote about it here.) A few days ago, a group of parents and carers released an open…
Advocates Issue Hopeful Comments After NICE Pow-Wow on ME/CFS Guideline
Two months ago, the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) abruptly delayed publication of its new ME/CFS clinical guideline under fierce objections from the GET/CBT ideological brigades and their minions. Today (Monday, October 18th), the agency hosted a meeting to allow these powerful dissenters from some of the British medical associations grandly…