Author: David Tuller
Australian Survey Seeks Input for New ME/CFS Guidelines
Australia’s National Medical Health and Research Council (NMHRC) recently released what it calls a “scoping survey” as a first step in developing new clinical practice guidelines for ME/CFS. The survey was posted online on February 21st; the deadline for responding is April 27th. The plan calls for the new guidelines to be published in three…
New Hyped-Up Lightning Process Study from New Zealand
In January, the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care published a paper from New Zealand called “An audit of 12 cases of long COVID following the lightning process intervention examining benefits and harms.” It reads like a Lightning Process marketing effort cosplaying as an academic study. As a reminder, the LP is a mish-mash…
Some Things I’ve Read Recently…
With so many people impacted by Long Covid and ME/CFS, it is impossible to keep up with all the non-academic articles, posts, and commentaries out there. The gusher of material is really overwhelming. Given that, sometimes it seems worthwhile to highlight a few things worth reading. (Note: Recommending something as worth reading should not be…
Trudie Chalder Is Co-Author on Another Bad Exercise Paper
It is a truth universally acknowledged (or at least universally acknowledged by smart researchers), that if the list of authors on an article includes Trudie Chalder, King’s College London’s mathematically and factually challenged professor of cognitive behavior therapy, then the article in question should most assuredly be expected to be short on, or utterly devoid of, intelligence and logical reasoning.…
A Letter to Cochrane’s Editor-in-Chief
This morning, I e-mailed the following letter to Dr Karla Soares-Weiser, Cochrane’s editor-in-chief, about the decision to abandon a planned update of a review of exercise therapy for ME/CFS. (I cc’d Toby Lasserson, Cochrane’s deputy editor-in-chief.) That decision was made public in an abrupt announcement dumped on the patient community right before the Christmas holidays.…
GET Ideologues Try to Rebut Muscle Abnormality Study–and Fail
It is a pleasure to read a pointed and effective smack-down of an ill-informed argument, especially when the argument is pushing the graded exercise therapy/cognitive behavior therapy (GET/CBT) paradigm for ME/CFS, Long Covid and related illnesses. That’s how I felt about the excellent rebuttal this week to a letter from some of the usual GET/CBT…
Some Things I’ve Read Recently…in STAT, The Sick Times, Van Der Zee’s Blog
Embedding ME/CFS in NIH’s RECOVER initiative Ian Lipkin is a well-known professor of epidemiology at Columbia University and director of the Center for Solutions for ME/CFS, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). In a recent opinion piece for STAT, he and ME/CFS patient advocate Elizabeth Ansell, the founder and executive director of…
My Article on the Cochrane Mess in The Sick Times
In November, 2023, journalists Betsy Ladyzhets and Miles Griffis launched The Sick Times, a publication whose tagline is “chronicling the Long Covid crisis.” Since then, the publication has diligently tracked the political and medical developments of this post-pandemic pandemic and has become a go-to source for intelligent reporting on the situation. I have previously posted…
Professor Edwards’ Letter to BMJ on the Cochrane Mess
The Cochrane mess, which I wrote about the other day, is threatening to take on a life of its own. Perhaps Cochrane thinks the fuss over the big Christmas “fuck you” it delivered to members of the ME/CFS community will blow over quickly. That could happen, I suppose, but I suspect this issue will continue…
Norwegian Long Covid Rehab Trial Misrepresents Clinically Insignificant Findings As “Effective”
If the results for a trial’s primary outcome do not meet the threshold for what is considered a “clinically significant” benefit, it goes without saying—or at least it should–that investigators have no legitimate grounds for promoting their intervention as “effective.” This is especially true when the trial in question is unblinded and the measure involved…
Cochrane’s Decision on Exercise Review is Hurting Patients, Says Longtime Insider
I have written frequently about Cochrane, the organization renowned for its systematic reviews of medical interventions, and its deeply flawed review of exercise therapies for ME/CFS–including its decision last month to abandon its commitment to produce a new version. Now Hilda Bastian, an Australia health consumer advocate and longtime Cochrane insider, has posted a blog…
Interview with Betsy Ladyzhets and Miles Griffis, Founders/Editors of The Sick Times
In November, 2023, journalists Betsy Ladyzhets and Miles Griffis launched The Sick Times, a publication devoted to, per its tagline, “chronicling the Long Covid crisis.” Both of them had been covering the pandemic, and Griffis had written of his own Long Covid experience. The Sick Times has gained both readers and funders over the last…