A Terrific Piece about ME/CFS on Australian TV

By David Tuller, DrPH

SBS, a national TV network in Australian, featured a 12-minute segment last night on a show called The Feed. It was already in the works when I got here, so my visit was timely. I didn’t expect to cry during my interview, but, well, I did. As a journalist, I immediately knew that moment would be featured in the segment. It’s a compelling and heartbreaking look at the difficulties people here confront in obtaining the benefits and support they need to manage their lives as best as possible, given their severe disabilities.

Fighting Disbelief: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you want to support my efforts to expose the neglect and abuse people with ME (or CFS, or ME/CFS, or CFS/ME) have experienced in countries around the world, please consider supporting my current crowdfunding campaign on Berkeley’s platform. The money is going to support my reporting project for another year–from July, 2018, through June, 2019.

As of now, I have reached 30% of my goal, thanks to 268 generous donors. During last year’s crowdfunding, I received 1008 donations; it would be fantastic to surpass that total. No gift is too small. Please help me maintain the momentum!






One response to “A Terrific Piece about ME/CFS on Australian TV”

  1. Kate Herbert Avatar
    Kate Herbert

    So thankful for David’s work and the doors he has been able to open here in Australia that patients have been banging on.